Amy Schumer Is Being Blamed For a Nationwide Tampon Crisis


Amy Schumer Is Being Blamed For a Nationwide Tampon Crisis

Amy Schumer Is Being Blamed For a Nationwide Tampon Crisis

After starring in a series of Tampax commercials in 2020, Proctor & Gamble have blamed Amy Schumer for the tampon shortage. Now, a reporter from Time magazine has observed a shortage of the product in New York, Massachusetts, and California. The report cited the actress as the source for the shortage. In the end, the story has merit.

While it may seem strange that a comedian is claiming responsibility for a nationwide tampon shortage, the actress is working with Tampax to educate the public on the importance of tampons and periods. The brand is using the comic's savvy and unique skills to educate people on the importance of protecting oneself during their period. Tampax has partnered with the acclaimed actress and comedian Amy Schumer to share her knowledge and expertise with the public about the importance of using tampons and keeping a comfortable body image.

While the campaign's message aimed to normalize periods and tampon absorbencies, the actual situation is far more complicated. The demand for tampons has increased 7.7% over the past two years, causing a shortage of tampons. Despite the short supply, women are still getting their period every month. However, Schumer's campaign has done more than just raise awareness about menstrual hygiene.


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